Defiance County Board of DD is committed to the success of each individual we serve. People with disabilities deserve the chance to find jobs where they can earn at least minimum wage and work alongside people without disabilities.

Community employment increases public awareness of individuals with disabilities and focuses on opportunities to live and work in their community. The individual’s Service and Support Administrator (SSA) and team work to develop a Person Centered Plan. In person centered planning, the focus is on the person’s vision of what they would like to do in the future to contribute to their community.

Ohio’s Employment First

In 2012, Ohio Gov. John Kasich signed the Employment First Initiative to raise expectations surrounding employment for people with disabilities. The philosophy behind Employment First is that every person has abilities, skills and talents to enrich the community and people around us.

Community employment is the preferred path for working-age adults with developmental disabilities, and individuals should have the opportunity to explore career options and seek jobs that fit their skills and interests.

People with disabilities should have an opportunity to make an informed choice about employment: a chance to explore community jobs, connect with peers who are employed, plan for a career that meets their interests and skills, understand the impact of income on benefits, and the many rewards of working in the community.

Employment First is a State initiative that provides professional development tools to state and county agencies and service providers to help people with DD get jobs.

If you are an adult with a developmental disability and you would like to work, we are excited to help you! We can work with you to secure job training and coaching which will help you learn the necessary skills to find meaningful employment.

We work collaboratively with a number of businesses and community leaders in order to help you find a job in our community.


Ohio Employment First

Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD)

OOD houses the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation (BVR). This program provides you with services and support to help you attain and maintain employment. Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services are customized for each individual through assessments and one-on-one meetings with professional counselors. VR services include:

Evaluation and treatment of your disability;

  • Information and referral services;
  • Vocational counseling and training;
  • Job search and job placement assistance;
  • Educational guidance (tuition resources and other support);
  • Transportation services;
  • Occupational tools and equipment; and
  • Personal attendant services (reader, interpreter, etc.).

You are eligible for these services if it is determined that VR services are essential in order for you to obtain and retain employment.

If you are interested in learning more about all the services OOD has to offer, visit their website for more information.


Ohio Means Jobs

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Find a job, learn career skills, and more with Ohio Means Jobs.